Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What goes around... comes around?

Spreading rumors is part of emotional bullying. Rumors are sent through gossip and texts, emails and letters. Rumors are often not true, and just spread to make a person feel bad. Peoples' motivation to spread rumors are to get attention or to be mean. But maybe a nice person gets a rumor, and tells their trusted friend the rumor, and tells s/he not to tell...... But maybe her trusted friend thinks the same thing, and tells her trusted friend, and etc etc. And what if a rumor comes to you about your friend, do you tell your friend? Or keep it quiet? Please comment to state your opinion on 'Do you tell your friend the rumor about them?'

Air Ninja or the Chopsticks

1 comment:

  1. Rumors can be very harmful and demeaning. Try to stop them whenever possible, but I wouldn't tell my friend. If you know it's not true, there's no reason to ruin her day.
