Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Bystander and their Job

There are many ways to stand up to bullies.

This one is the easiest yet hardest one. Walk up to the bully and say, "That's really mean, you shouldn't do that." I call that strategy the "That's really mean, you shouldn't do that" Strategy.

Okay, so, on the bully quiz did you find out you have witnessed bullying? If you have you've got to speak up. Do you think the person getting bullied will say that the bully is being mean? No, really, no. You have GOT to talk to the bully or an adult about what he or she is doing. Sometimes, sadly, adults say, "I'll talk to them" but they don't. That's sort of bullying in it's self. Do you think that's bullying?

A bystander or witness stands up for a victim and confronts a bully. If you are confident you are less likely to be bullied. Kids who are surrounded by kids don't tend to be bullied. Another good reason to hang out with friends!
Okay, let's just say that the bystanders have
Have you ever been a bystander? Did you stand up to the bully?

The Chopsticks


  1. I'm in a pubic middle school and I might transfer to a private school. My friends are saying "You're going to a preppy, pretty school." I think that's mean. is this bullying? Even if they're my friends?

  2. Yes, this is bullying because they are being mean to you. If this offends you then it's bullying. If you are hurt then it is bullying. Anyone can bully even your friends. One thing to do is to ignore them. Know that the school your going to is the right place for you.

  3. This happens to me too.
    Some of my friends say"you might go to a prissy
    middle school" and other things that hurt me more.
    But isn't that just teasing, and is teasing bulling?

  4. Try telling them that it's just another school, and that there's nothing wrong with going to a private school.

  5. Now, that problem is gone. But, now people are making fun of the things they do things and the things the have there. Everyone was laughing. Even, my Mom. I was almost crying.
